Yachting trivia

2018-06-19  From: Weihai Poston Yacht Co., LTD Browsing times:11

Classification of yacht design categories or sailing areas

Chinese regulations state that yacht design categories can be divided into four categories:

Class I: Yachts designed to sail more than 200 nautical miles from shore with a minimum design height of 6 metres.

Class II: yachts designed to sail not more than 200 nautical miles from shore, and their small design has a wave height of 4 meters.

Class III: yachts designed to sail not more than 20 nautical miles from shore, and their small design has a wave height of 2 metres.

Class IV: Yachts designed to sail not more than 10 nautical miles from shore, and their small design has a meaning wave height of 1 meter.

Class V: yachts designed to sail not more than 5 nautical miles from shore and with a minimum design of 0.5 m in height.

Choose the right engine oil, antifreeze and fuel and keep it clean.

Usually when accepting the yacht, it is necessary to correctly interpret the manual provided by the engine manufacturer, add the correct oil to the engine and transmission device, use the correct fuel and antifreeze, and perform maintenance according to the actual use time according to the tips of the machine manufacturer. Check the composition of the water in the tank frequently, and check the sediment in the tank at least once every two years, and clean up when necessary.

How to choose the right boat type?

Judging from the size, the general ship type of more than 40 feet, basically has the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and other functions, the larger the size, the higher the comfort. On a yacht of the same size, the higher the space utilization rate, the higher the value of the yacht.

From the perspective of stability conditions, people who are seasick are suitable for choosing yachts with strong stability, and sports are usually more bumpy, and catamaran yachts have good stability.

Those who like the challenge of water and the continuous improvement of driving skills can choose sailing; For business use, you can choose yachts; If you want to do both, choose a catamaran or a catamaran.

Ensure that zinc is in normal condition quickly.

Typically yachts are fitted with zinc blocks, which are protected by an anode, including the blocks below the waterline, which are regularly checked and replaced when they are 50% corroded, rather than waiting until they are completely corroded.

How to choose the right engine?

Under normal circumstances, in the area often used by the yacht, it is economical to calculate the time required for sailing, select the engine horsepower according to the time, and complete the sailing time with the cruising speed.

The larger the engine, the heavier the weight, the higher the fuel consumption, the larger the cost of use, the choice of the right engine horsepower is an important option to choose the ship type.

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